Download Sources

Download Image Util Sources

Release 1.0, Approx Size 35KB

The sources are really ASP COM code that implement the Image object.   The source is free, and if you find this useful please tell others whom made benefit from the program as well.  No warranty of any kind is implied.

The source was written using Microsoft VC++ 6.0 to create the sources.  I just zipped up the project the way VC++ keeps it (e.g, no makefile).  If you make improvements drop me a line, perhaps we can merge them back in and make the tool even better.

The JPEG uncompress and compress functions are from the Independent JPEG Group public library.  As result they are not included here, but are are freely available from the Independent JPEG Group web site. (And I wish to give them my thanks for taking the time to provide publicly available source to the programming community).  If you desire to compile the Image Util sources you will need to download the public jpeg library.  The version that was used in the binary release in jpeg6b. 

If you didn't already register, please do so.  If anyone finds a bug or if there are significant improvements to the tool I will send you email.

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